This article should be used when you are receiving one of the following error messages on a Windows PC:
- The compressed folder is invalid
- The Path is too long
- The File is corrupted
- The File is unsupported
Certain Windows operating systems (commonly Windows 10) can only unzip using their native extraction tool .zip folder names that are 255 characters or less.
Exports that contain several Advanced Options, especially the option to "Organize records into subfolders...", contain very long .zip folder names that can sometimes exceed the limit set by Windows and thus cause one of the errors listed above.
There are two options to navigate around this error: Use a third-party extraction/unzipping software or simplify your export.
Use a Third-Party Extraction/Unzipping Software
We recommend you work with your IT department to determine an unzipping/extraction program that is appropriate for your computer.
Simplify Your Export
- After your search, when you click Export Results, you can configure your export's Advanced Options. Ensure that Organize records in subfolders based on account and content types is not checked. This simplifies the export file name and may allow your computer's default software to unzip it.
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