Instagram accounts are connected to the archive through Facebook. You must utilize a Facebook Profile that Administrators.
Important Note
- You must utilize a Facebook Profile that is an Admin on the corresponding Facebook Page to authorize an Instagram account connection.
Article Navigation
Your Instagram Account may Already be Correctly Configured and can be Connected Through the Normal Flow.
- Navigate to the Configure tab
- Click Connect Accounts next to the appropriate Account Owner
- Click the Connect Instagram Business button
- Follow the same step stake to Connect a Facebook Page. The last prompt of the connection flow allows you to select Instagram accounts to connect to the archive.
If the Account Did Not Show up to Connect, Please Follow These Steps:
- You must be a Business Administrator on Meta Business Suite that owns Instagram and the corresponding Facebook Page.
Note: See this article for help in ensuring your Business Suite and assets (Pages and Instagram Accounts) are correctly configured. - Configure your Instagram as an Instagram Professional Account (business or Creator)
- Connect your Instagram to a corresponding Facebook Page
- Those without an existing Facebook Page for pairing can create one.
- You only need to name the Page and categorize it. No other Information needs to be filled out for the Page.
Note: We recommend using the same name as the Instagram account. - Once created and named, you can connect your Instagram to the Facebook Page following the steps above.
- The Placeholder Page must remain active to maintain an Instagram connection. We recommend archiving the placeholder Page along with the Instagram account.
- You only need to name the Page and categorize it. No other Information needs to be filled out for the Page.
You are now ready to connect or reconnect the account in the archive. Use the Connect Instagram Business button and follow the connection flow, which is the same as the Facebook Page connection flow.
Trouble Shooting and Additional Information
Instagram may display an error when attempting to connect or Confirm the connection of the account to a corresponding Facebook Page.
- Try Logging into the Meta Business Suite. You may receive a prompt to finalize the Instagram to Facebook connection.
- Your Profile may need to be configured in the Meta Accounts Center.
- If you are inheriting the Instagram management from another member of your organization, you will likely need to update the Meta Accounts Center. Please add your Facebook Profile following these steps.
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