Annotations allow full access to System Administrators and Account Owners to add customized notes and comments to archive records. Benefits include:
- Enabling in-record collaboration. Invite account owners to discuss and collaborate, in one place, and never worry about merging different versions of the same document to collect comments again.
- Capturing the context. Describe what happened and why decisions were made at the time so the technical info that anyone would need is pinned on that record for the future.
- Eliminating Disjointed Documentation. Stop keeping important notes and documents on multiple desktops and folders, and empower your organization to add annotations within the record itself.
- Boosting Efficiency and Maintain Security. Securely and easily search, view, and edit records without having to download any files, and always know where all the information on a record is stored.
Annotate a Record
- Navigate to your Record
- Click the record to bring up the Record Details box.
- Under Annotations click Add...
- Choose a category (required)
- Add a description (optional)
- Click Save annotation. The annotation will appear in the Record Details box.
- Click Add... to include multiple annotations on the same record.
- To Remove an annotation click the red x on its right side.
- On the pop-up window click delete to confirm.
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