Exceeding Monthly Record Limit
We understand that your social media activity might occasionally spike, particularly in emergency situations. ArchiveSocial will continue archiving your communications when you temporarily exceed your plan maximum. If you consistently exceed your plan maximum over the course of a few months, we will work with you to move to a more appropriate plan size.
What Counts as a Record
All of our plans are based on social media records. A record is any individual communication captured by ArchiveSocial. Each tweet, status update, private message, and comment is stored as a separate record. Large multimedia files, such as videos, are counted as multiple records based on 10-megabyte segments.
A social media account refers to an individual profile on a social networking site such as Facebook or Twitter. Distinct profiles, such as business pages are treated as separate accounts even if they are managed by the same top-level profile.
The Dashboard of your archive has a record volume chart to help give you a visual as to where you sit in your plan. If the record volume exceeds your plan limit for the month, the amount over the limit is shown in yellow. When you hover over the bar for the month, it will give you the breakdown of how many records were over your monthly limit.
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