Our fully hosted Open Archive allows your agency to promote transparency by making your social media records truly open with a public access portal. This portal gives citizens the ability to search and locate social media records without using staff time. The Open Archive can be customized with your agency’s preferred color scheme, banner image, and example searches.
In December 2012, the State of North Carolina launched the world’s first open archive of social media. The interactive archive now contains more than 250,000 records. You can browse their open archive here.
If you’re interested in setting up an open archive for your agency please reach out to support@archivesocial.com.
Open Archive Configuration
If you have purchased an Open Archive through CivicPlus, you will be required to provide some additional information to finalize the setup of your Open Archive. A Microsoft form will be sent to you to fill out, but below is a list of the items you may configure.
Here is an example an Open Archive page:
Items That Can Be Configured
- URL for your Open Archive
- Banner Image
- Open Archive Background Color
- Instructional Text displayed on the main Open Archive page
- Search Results Text displayed above search results
- Example Searches that are listed on the search page. These can be common searches to help quicken the search process for visitors.
- Related Links that are listed on the main Open Archive page to help guide visitors to outside resources for your agency
You can also configure the Open Archive to exclude certain types of data based on your agency’s Public Record requirements. These items include social media account types, content types, specific social media accounts, and tags.
If your agency uses Google Analytics and needs to track the traffic to your Open Archive, we can help set that up within your Open Archive. All you will need to do is simply provide us with the Google Analytics Snippet Code in the Microsoft form.
If you have any questions about setting up an Open Archive, or on your existing Open Archive, please reach out to our support team at archivesocial@civicplus.help
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