Risk Management and Analytics (RMA) alerts allow agencies to reduce worry and risk by monitoring their social media and sending alerts customized to their needs. These alerts include:
- Specific Keywords (including language that can violate social media policy)
- Inappropriate and graphic content in images
- Questions asked on social media pages
- Private information is shared
- Usernames
- Blocked Lists (users that are blocked on a Facebook or Twitter account)
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Configuring Alerts For Keywords
- Log into your archive
- Click on the Configure tab
- Select Monitoring & Alerts in the left column
- Use the Add Alerts dropdown menu to select Alert for Keywords
- Configure Your Alert.
- Alert Name: Give the alert a name.
- Description: Use this box to describe what kind of alert you are creating.
Scope: Choose your scope. By default, All Social Accounts will be selected, but this can be configured to only alert for a specific account.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Then use the second drop down to select the account or account owner.
- You can also set the alert to trigger if outgoing content from your pages includes specific keywords. Simply check the box next to Also trigger alert for outgoing content.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Email Recipients: Use the drop-down menu to specify who should receive these alerts: the owner of the account, all system admins, or a specific individual in the agency.
- Notification Frequencies: Select a preferred notification frequency option.
Keywords & Phrases:
- Start with a predefined dictionary: Social Media Archive (Formerly ArchiveSocial) provides three predefined dictionaries of keywords that can be used. These include praise and positivity, profanity, and emergency management terms.
- Add custom keywords: You can also add individual keywords or upload a list of your custom keywords
- Click the Save button.
Configuring Alerts For Inappropriate Images
- Log into your archive.
- Click on the Configure tab.
- Select Monitoring & Alerts in the left column.
- Use the Add Alerts dropdown menu to select Alert for Inappropriate Images.
- Configure Your alert.
- Alert Name: Give the alert a name.
- Description: Use this box to describe what kind of alert you are creating.
Scope: Choose your scope. By default, All Social Accounts will be selected, but this can be configured to only alert for a specific account.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Then use the second drop down to select the account or account owner.
- You can also set the alert to trigger if outgoing content from your pages includes specific keywords. Simply check the box next to Also trigger alert for outgoing content.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Email Recipients: Use the drop-down menu to specify who should receive these alerts: the owner of the account, all system admins, or a specific individual in the agency.
- Notification Frequencies: Select a preferred notification frequency option.
Inappropriate Content: Select what inappropriate image category to be alerted to by checking the box next to each option.
Note: Select the i icon next to each option to expand on the meaning.
- Click the Save button
Configuring Alerts For Questions
- Log into your archive.
- Click on the Configure tab.
- Select the Monitoring & Alerts tab in the left column.
- Use the Add Alerts dropdown menu to select the Alert for Questions option.
- Configure Your Alerts:
- Alert Name: Give the alert a name.
- Description: Use this box to describe what kind of alert you are creating.
Scope: Choose your scope. By default, All Social Accounts will be selected, but this can be configured to only alert for a specific account.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Then use the second drop down to select the account or account owner.
- You can also set the alert to trigger if outgoing content from your pages includes specific keywords. Simply check the box next to Also trigger alert for outgoing content.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Email Recipients: Use the drop-down menu to specify who should receive these alerts: the owner of the account, all system admins, or a specific individual in the agency.
Notification Frequencies: Select a preferred notification frequency option.
Note: Select the i icon next to each option to expand on the meaning.
- Click the Save button.
Configuring Alerts For Personally Identifiable Information
Log into your archive
- Click on the Configure tab
- Select Monitoring & Alerts in the left column
- Use the Add Alerts dropdown menu to select the Alert for Personally Identifiable Information option.
- Configure Your Alerts:
- Alert Name: Give the alert a name.
- Description: Use this box to describe what kind of alert you are creating.
Scope: Choose your scope. By default, All Social Accounts will be selected, but this can be configured to only alert for a specific account.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Then use the second drop down to select the account or account owner.
- You can also set the alert to trigger if outgoing content from your pages includes specific keywords. Simply check the box next to Also trigger alert for outgoing content.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Email Recipients: Use the drop-down menu to specify who should receive these alerts: the owner of the account, all system admins, or a specific individual in the agency.
- Notification Frequencies: Select a preferred notification frequency option.
Personally Identifiable Information: Select the Personally Identifiable information you want to send alerts for by selecting the check box next to each option.
Note: Select the i icon next to each option to expand on the meaning.
- Click the Save button.
Configuring Alerts For Usernames
- Log into your archive.
- Click on the Configure tab.
- Select Monitoring & Alerts in the left column.
- Use the Add Alerts dropdown menu to select the Alert for Usernames options.
- Configure Your Alert:
- Alert Name: Give the alert a name.
- Description: Use this box to describe what kind of alert you are creating.
Scope: Choose your scope. By default, All Social Accounts will be selected, but this can be configured to only alert for a specific account.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Then use the second drop down to select the account or account owner.
- You can also set the alert to trigger if outgoing content from your pages includes specific keywords. Simply check the box next to Also trigger alert for outgoing content.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Email Recipients: Use the drop-down menu to specify who should receive these alerts: the owner of the account, all system admins, or a specific individual in the agency.
- Notification Frequencies: Select a preferred notification frequency option.
- Content Types: Choose the content type for the alert. This allows the selection of specific content on a social media network (for example Facebook Timeline posts) to be selected. By default, all options are selected.
- Usernames: enter the usernames of the individual(s) as they appear on social media.
- Click the Save button.
Configuring Alerts For Blocked Lists
- Log into your Archive
- Click on the Configure tab.
- Select Monitoring & Alerts in the left column.
- Use the Add Alerts dropdown menu to select the Alert for Blocked Lists option.
- Configure the Alert:
- Alert Name: Give the alert a name.
- Description: Use this box to describe what kind of alert you are creating.
Scope: Choose your scope. By default, All Social Accounts will be selected, but this can be configured to only alert for a specific account.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Then use the second drop down to select the account or account owner.
- You can also set the alert to trigger if outgoing content from your pages includes specific keywords. Simply check the box next to Also trigger alert for outgoing content.
- For Specific Accounts use the dropdown menu to select all accounts owned by the account owner or a specific account.
- Email Recipients: Use the drop-down menu to specify who should receive these alerts: the owner of the account, all system admins, or a specific individual in the agency.
- Notification Frequencies: Select a preferred notification frequency option.
- Click the Save button.
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